Do you realize that things could be better but you're not sure where to start? Need an outside person to be the one to suggest changes? Want to identify places where change is not only wanted, but necessary? We bring decades of asking "Why?" to the table. Guided by the principles of the Theory of Constraints, with experience in all the popular buzzwords - Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, APICS, and more - we bring a vast array of experience and apply it directly to your process. We make it better.
A common problem in completing a project is the amount of work compared to available resources. Perhaps you need some extra manpower to get you across the goal line. Perhaps you need someone to join your team to fill a knowlege gap. Perhaps you just need more people.
We can help guide your team to manage your IT resources. We will work with you to devise a plan that will meet your business objectives. By understanding what to change, and what is needed to effect that change, we will bring you the results you need to support your goals. We can work with your existing team (or help you build one!) to give them the real-world support they need to maximize their potential and tie that to your business needs.
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