Servers are essential to your business from a data standpoint, whether they are internal servers or externally hosted. Solsource provides best-in-class management, backups, & security to protect your work and your business. You'll rest easy with Solsource systems management. We've got your back (up).
Networks are essential to your business and a properly designed network makes a tremendous difference in the experience your users have. Our Network Engineers make sure that your network components (LANs, WLANs, & WANs - switches, wireless access points, routers, firewalls, etc.) are performing their best, so you can too.
Let's face it, texting may be a convenient way to remind your spouse to bring home milk, but it is not the right application of technology for most communications in a business environment. We manage your email Hosting, Configuration, SARBOX compliance, HIPAA compliance, archival rules, and much more.
Everyone wants a web presence, but not everyone can make that happen. We provide custom website development & support. We also support the most widely used e-Commerce platform on the planet – Magento. Our designs are all mobile friendly and responsive. Want to make your web presence a revenue stream for your business instead of a dusty document bin? Solsource can help!
While we have several ready-made software packages that can solve many of your problems, we can also work with your users to develop a custom solution tailored precisely to your needs and wants. No longer will you be forced to endure software that fails to measure up to the way you do business. You shouldn't have to change your business model to match the way a piece of software was written. You need the freedom to take care of business the way you want it done. We make software that can take care of that too.